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The objectives of our DLWTRAIL Campaign have been incorporated into NWLDC's recently-published DRAFT CYCLING & WALKING STRATEGY:



It's a long read (63 pages), but we're pleased that OUR DLWTRAIL CAMPAIGN GETS A SPECIFIC REFERENCE ON PAGE 29, together with the map on Page 28.

See the accompanying screenshots, with the relevant sections highlighted in yellow.



We're being invited to comment on the draft strategy document.

You can help our campaign by engaging and making specific reference to our mention on Pages 28 & 29 - and your support for it.

Here's a link to the consultation where you can respond:

Thank you for your continued support, and to Long Whatton & Diseworth Parish Council for being with us all the way.


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  • DLWTRAIL Mike Doyle

As COP26 opens in Glasgow, and the rhetoric starts to flow, let's look at how our little local campaign for safer active travel between our two villages fits into the big picture. Encouraging people to CHOOSE to walk and cycle instead of using a car for short local trips is at the heart of our DLWTRAIL campaign. We know from our Dossier of Demand, and the results of the recent Neighbourhood Plan Survey, that more people would choose to walk or cycle between our two villages if they felt safe to do so. It's about that ONE MILE stretch of road between our two villages. Yes, just ONE MILE of road which has become increasingly used as a rat-run for vehicles and has no safe refuge from traffic for pedestrians, and has resulted in reports from cyclists and horse riders that vehicles are passing them too close, at unsafe speeds. The 60mph speed limit along that stretch (which your DLWTRAIL action group continues to lobby to get reduced) is seen by some drivers as a target, instead of a limit. They see pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders as an impediment to them 'hitting' the speed limit. Of course, this does apply to a MINORITY of drivers. Most drivers show courtesy and consideration towards other road users. But the behaviour of that minority sticks in people's minds, doesn't it? . So, let's re-state the benefits of encouraging people to choose active travel methods instead of driving for short trips (typically, under 5 miles), but particularly along The Green / Salter Road between Long Whatton & Diseworth:

  • It's healthier. It tackles avoidable diseases caused by inactivity; a healthier population reduces pressure on the NHS.

  • It reduces congestion, emissions and pollution by taking cars off the road. This, in turn, makes life EASIER for those who NEED to drive.

  • It reduces emissions, not just from fuel, but also from things like particulates from vehicle tyre dust. Quite simply, it's better for our health and for the planet.

  • It's a more sociable way to travel. The Parish of Long Whatton & Diseworth has become DIVIDED by a road which should be UNITING it.

But what about the 'big picture' I alluded to? I think this article explains better than I can about how our DLWTRAIL campaign fits in with addressing climate catastrophe. Global action can only come from millions of pieces of individual action. DLWTRAIL is one of those millions of little pieces. It matters locally. It matters globally. We continue to campaign. Thank you for supporting us.

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  • DLWTRAIL Mike Doyle

Cycling: the easy way to save fuel | Cycling UK Recent days have once again shown how reliant we are on the internal combustion engine, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Official statistics show that in 2020, 71% of all journeys made in the UK were shorter than five miles – a distance ideally suited to cycling.

It's only a mile along The Green between Long Whatton and Diseworth.

Moving between our two villages should be safe for those who want to leave the car at home and travel on foot, cycle, wheelchair or horse.

The recent Parish Survey (combined with our Dossier of Demand) indicates that there is support from residents of both villages for better, safer, greener active travel facilities between our villages.

Those who WANT to do so should feel safe to do so.

"Make people feel safe, and they will do it"

Your DLWTRAIL Action Group continues to campaign for this. Cycling: the easy way to save fuel | Cycling UK

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